Friday 28 April 2017

The Polystyrene. (Video Assignment)

Hi we're final year student of Analytical and Environmental Chemistry (KAP), UMT. And here, we, the Ahmed Zewail group present to you our video assignment titled 'The Polystyrene' based on colloid in the environment (Video link in FB stated below). It would be great if u could hit the LIKE icon, comment even share our video as our assignment marks would be given based on the number of likes (at least 300 likes). Most importantly we hope you will enjoy and learn more about colloid through our video. Thank you so much for your cooperation. Enjoyy larr..

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Wednesday 6 April 2016

Work from Home. Earn an average of  $2000/month..!! No Investment..!! Part Time just 1 or 2h/day.
Wanted Online Internet job workers. Job is only through Internet. Work from home part time jobs. You can earn $1500-2500/month working 1-2 hours/day, no matter where you live. These are genuine Data entry jobs & Internet jobs. No Investment required..!! Only serious enquires please. For more details visit the link below..

I've done it, now its your turn.. ;)

Saturday 5 December 2015

Ghost Encounters..

Ghost -  a topic of interest for many people, yet dislikes to see 'them' though. Most of us believe in ghosts, and some don't eventually. Well, I do believe in ghost since I've encountered it few times. It happens during my high school era. The following paragraph will tell you in details.

1. Scout's CampFire Night..

8 years ago when I was in Boys' Scout in my school, all of us attended a camp, and each of we the boy scouts needed to play a game during that campfire night. Its a simple game, where a group of 3 will be placed in various places for a period of time, IN DARK (well, my school is known as oldest institution (106th old this year) where it stood up since British era, The Anderson School of Ipoh, Perak). My group was placed at the school office which is at 2nd floor. 20 minutes of sitting there, we heard a soft crying voice. We freaked out, at the same time, tried to think positive that its nothing than just a person who try to tease us. A few minutes later, a long white figure declined from the 3rd floor and just penetrates through the door, and we saw that live with our eyes. After witnessing it, we didn't wait there for even a second and fled.

2. Highway..

My classmates decided to go for a trip to Kuala Lumpur after the finals. During the journey back to home, our bus broke down on highway. It was 1 a.m on morning. All of us got down the bus while waiting for help to come. That moment, I saw a black, huge figure crossed the highway from our lane to the opposite, super fast and was gone in the air. Honestly I got goosebumps after seeing it.

3. 100th Years Celebration..

It was 12a.m at night, all of us the school citizens including the alumni were in school field, to celebrate school's 100th years anniversary. We enjoyed everything that moment - chitchats, fireworks and so on. Many pics took by people that time. None of realized until a few days later. In some pics took during the event, there was a girl figure with very long hair, wearing red dress and face can't be seen standing on the balcony while firework display. That's the exact place where a cat found dead in brutal manner, with heads off the body.

Sunday 12 July 2015

Carbonated Drinks - The bitter truth behind the sweetness

Joseph Priestly, who we can say the Father of the soft drinks, where he is the first one to invent the drink in 1772. He did it simple - by infusing carbon dioxide into plain water. By doing so, carbonate water produced. In this era, many people do crave for soft drinks. Why ?, its because the soft drinks is considered cheap, tastier and gives refreshment for thirst, easier to get it in shops and moreover, the way the drinks promoted and advertised in mass media.

BUT, do you know that this drink is not healthy to humans ( everyone knows this of course ) and causes very disturbing effects from the very moment we drink it. The main reason of this causes are due to sugar which is at alarming rate. It is reported that 1 can of carbonated drink contains approximately 44 grams of sugar. By right, an normal adult male should not consume more than 36 grams of sugar a day, while 20 grams for adult woman and 12 grams for children. Moreover, there will be few levels of excessive sugar effects within in an hour.

Around 10 minutes after drinking carbonated drink : 10 teaspoon of sugar hits the system. This is about 100 percent of your sugar intake daily. And you do not vomit due to overwhelming sweetness is because phosphoric acid cuts the flavor.

Within 20 minutes : Blood sugar level spikes, and the liver responds ( as the result of insulin burst ) by turning massive amount of sugar into body fats and will be stored in tissues later on.

Within 40 minutes : Pupils dilate, caffeine absorption completed, and the blood pressure rises.

In 45 minutes : Dopamine production increased which stimulates the pleasure centres of the brain, an identical response of heroin effect.

After 60 minutes : You will start to have sugar crash.

Not only sugar that gives you the bad effect to our health, but those chemicals found in the drink do play their role too. Yes, chemicals. We can find much chemicals in a can of the drink, which is added for long lasting and gives some taste to it. To name a few of them.

1. 4-MEI
It is known as 4-methylimidazole which is used mostly in Coke and Pepsi. Act as a caramel colouring additives. Based on the research done by International Agency of Research on Cancer, this chemical will cause cancer after consuming certain level ( by daily drinking basis ).

2. Benzene
Benzene, which can be found normally in cleaning products, also present in the soft drinks. Benzene is not added, but produced whilst the production of this drinks. Decarboxylation of benzoic acid in presence of ascorbic acid (Vit. C) produces benzene. It is reported that a person consuming 12oz ( 350ml ) of this drink ingest 31 micrograms of benzene, which is similarly equivalent to person inhaling benzene when a motorist refills the fuel tank for 3 minutes.

3. Various types of acids.
Citric acids, phosphoric acids, malic or tartaric acids to list down a few which is found in the carbonated drinks which is sold in the markets. An experiment conducted shows that a tooth which is placed in a glass of carbonated drink for 2 days became very soft, and the enamel lose much of its calcium. Do you know that phosphoric acids are used to clean down the rust from chromes and clean the battery connecters of cars. Some would brush their teeth after having this 'tasteful' drink, but trust me, that's a very bad idea as it eventually increase the damage to the enamel and dissolve the gum line.

This is only a few of the chemicals found in carbonated drinks. Imagine there are alot more which is not written here.

This is the bitter truth behind every sweet drink which gives a 'refreshment' to the body when consumed, especially on hot days. With this, as you can see up there, it definitely harms us.
So, its your call now.

Sunday 16 November 2014

Facts about Chemistry..

Well, after posting a lot about biological facts, lets move on to Chemistry now. Chemistry, mainly dealing with chemicals, is a branch of physical science that studies the composition, structure, properties and change of matter. It is such a fascinating science subject and mainly concerned about atoms and molecules. So, now, without further delay, lets look at some facts about chemistry ( or chemicals )..

1. Unlike many substances, water expands as it freezes. An ice cube takes up about 9% more volume than the water used to make it.

2. If you pour a handful of salt into a full glass of water, the water level will actually go down rather than overflowing the glass.

3. The only letter that doesn't appear on the periodic table is letter J.

4. The human body contains enough carbon to provide 'lead' (which is really graphite) for about 9,000 pencils.

5. The rarest naturally-occurring element in the earth's crust may be astatine. The entire crust appears to contain about 28 g of the element.

6. Lightning strikes produce O3, which is ozone, and strengthen the ozone layer of the atmosphere.

7.  The only elements that are liquid at room temperature are bromine and  mercury. However, you can melt gallium by holding a lump in the warmth of your hand.

Sunday 16 March 2014

MH370 is still missing..

It has been more than 200 hours since MAS plane MH370 'vanished' whilst on air. The plane, which was on the way to Beijing,China departed at 0041 hours from Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia and supposed to reach by 0630 hours.

The last radar contact was at 0122 hours, near the borders between Vietnam- Malaysia. The flight was piloted by Captain Zaharie Ahmad Shah, 53, with total flying hours of 18,365 hours. First officer, Fariq Ab.Hamid, 27, has a total flying hours of 2,763 hours. There were 228 passengers from China (153), Malaysia (38), Indonesia (7), Australia (6), India (5), France (4),United States (3), Canada (2), New Zealand (2), Ukraine (2), Russia (1), Taiwan (1),  Netherlands (1), and Iran (2, who flew with stolen passports, was first identified as Italian and Austrian). There were 12 crews on board, all of them are Malaysians.

An aircraft was detected by military radar near Pulau Perak, Kedah, (northwest) Malaysia at 0240 hours, but it is not confirmed as MH370. At the time, the aircraft is said to be carrying a total fuel of 7.5 hours. The Search and Rescue (SAR) operations have been expanded from Sumatra, Indonesia to Hong Kong, focusing mainly in South China Sea. About 12 nations joins the mission of finding MH370. There are many agencies such as FBI, Boeing, Rolls Royce joins the investigation team. So far, 47 aircraft and 48 ships and vessels are deployed to assist the operation, and it is said that more nations will join the mission.

On 14th March, U.S. officials indicated that the plane might be crashed in Indian Ocean. India started their operations in searching the Andaman and Nicobar Islands, where there are more than 500 uninhabited islands. About 2.3 million people starts to find the missing airliner on their PCs through , a website which provides the satellite images.

Meanwhile, on 15th March, it is confirmed that MH370 made an 'air-turn back' and it is  confirmed that the plane deviates from its route, went off course and flew towards the west. SAR operations in South China Sea is stopped and a new search area began, the Bay of Bengal and Indian Ocean. In a press meet on the same day, Prime Minister of Malaysia, Datuk Seri Najib said that the plane might headed to one of the possible corridors, the Northern corridor ( border of Kazakhstan, Turkmenistan to Northern Thailand ) or the Southern corridor ( from Indonesia to Southern Indian ocean ). A new data obtained shows the last confirmed contact of the plane with satellite was on 8th March at 0811 hours, indicates how far the plane flew. The Prime Minister also said that the transponder and other communications is switched off in a deliberate action by 'someone' in the plane.

Since the day MH370 'vanished', many theories came up, such as the plane crashed while in mid air, hijacked and so on. Many people turned to be a one day detectives by coming up with their own theories. A man, claimed to be Raja Bomoh Sedunia ( bomoh is a Malay word for Shaman ), said that he could locate the plane, but only turned up to be a laughing stock by people by his acts.

The SAR operations is still going on and hope for the best that the plane could be found. More updates will come soon..     

Friday 10 January 2014

Something that I learned about humans..

Liver is one of the 'busy' and hard working organ in body. It has about 500 different functions. Some of the function of liver are ; plasma protein synthesis, decomposition of red blood cell, bile production, and detoxification.

The surface area of a human lung is equal to a tennis court. It is filled with thousands of branching bronchi and tiny, grape-like alveoli in order to more efficiently oxygenate the blood,. These are filled with microscopic capillaries which oxygen and carbon dioxide. The large amount of surface area makes it easier for this exchange to take place, and makes sure you stay properly oxygenated at all times. 

Your left lung is smaller than your right lung to make room for your heart. While the lungs are fairly similar in size, the human heart, though located fairly centrally, is tilted slightly to the left making it take up more room on that side of the body and crowding out that poor left lung. 

You could remove a large part of your internal organs and survive. The human body may appear fragile but it’s possible to survive even with the removal of the stomach, the spleen, 75 percent of the liver, 80 percent of the intestines, one kidney, one lung, and virtually every organ from the pelvic and groin area.

The fastest growing nail is on the middle finger. And the nail on the middle finger of your dominant hand will grow the fastest of all. Why is not entirely known, but nail growth is related to the length of the finger, with the longest fingers growing nails the fastest and shortest the slowest. 

Every day the average person loses 60-100 strands of hair. Unless you’re already bald, chances are good that you’re shedding pretty heavily on a daily basis. Your hair loss will vary in accordance with the season, pregnancy, illness, diet and age.  

The colder the room you sleep in, the better the chances are that you’ll have a bad dream. It isn’t entirely clear to scientists why this is the case, but if you are opposed to having nightmares you might want to keep yourself a little toastier at night. 

Right-handed people live, on average, nine years longer than left-handed people do. This doesn’t have a genetic basis, but is largely due to the fact that a majority of the machines and tools we use on a daily basis are designed for those who are right handed, making them somewhat dangerous for lefties to use and resulting in thousands of accidents and deaths each year. 

Koalas and primates are the only animals with unique fingerprints. Humans, apes and koalas are unique in the animal kingdom due to the tiny prints on the fingers of their hands. Studies on primates have suggested that even cloned individuals have unique fingerprints. 

Tears and mucus contain an enzyme (lysozyme) that breaks down the cell wall of many bacteria. This is to your advantage, as the mucus that lines your nose and throat, as well as the tears that wet your eyes are helping to prevent bacteria from infecting those areas and making you sick. 

Your ears secrete more earwax when you are afraid than when you aren’t. The chemicals and hormones released when you are afraid could be having unseen effects on your body in the form of earwax. Studies have suggested that fear causes the ears to produce more of the sticky substance, though the reasons are not yet clear.  

A human head remains conscious for about 15 to 20 seconds after it is been decapitated. While it might be gross to think about, the blood in the head may be enough to keep someone alive and conscious for a few seconds after the head has been separated from the body, though reports as to the accuracy of this are widely varying.

Friday 3 January 2014

Danger of Killing Cockroaches..

Of course cockroach is a irritating insect but killing it will cause danger to human. The content in cockroaches' stomach is very dangerous. This is because stomach of cockroach usually contains tiny and discrete worms.

The worms are very tiny, and short and can be seen with naked eyes. If you really want to see the worm, put a just-dead cockroaches' stomach on a piece of black paper, and you can see them in motion.

The worms are very dangerous to us as it touches our skin, especially feet. It can enter our body through the skin pore or wounded area. 

Monday 23 December 2013

Chewing gum could trigger migraine..

Migraine is a neurological disorder where the person suffering from it may encounter severe headaches. Typical migraines affects only one side of the head, lasting for 2 to 72 hours. It is said to be due to environment and genetic factor.

There are a few things that is said as 'trigger' to migraine. They are

            a) Stress
            b) Fluctuating level of hormones
            c) Bright and flickering lights
            d) Sleep disturbance, or lack of sleep
            e) Fasting
            f) Cigarette smoke
            g) Monosodium glutamate ( MSG )
            h) Caffeine 
            i)  Odour 
            j) Alcohol ,and
            k) Aspartame.

Aspartame is an artificial sugar that is used widely in food industries. It is also added in production of chewing gums. Previously, it is said that aspartame in chewing gum could be the factor. But, only then its revealed that, when a person chews gum may overload the work of temporomandibular joint ( TMJ ), which is the where the jaws join the skull. Teens who suffers from headaches say that they feel better after cutting down gum chewing activity.

Sunday 22 December 2013

Researchers develops eye cells by printing..!!

Blindness will be end? Eye cells has been printed!
What can you print using Ink-Jet printers..?? Britain's University of Cambridge researchers added eye cells into the list. Researchers develops adult rat's retinal cells with two type of printing methods.

It is claimed that it is a remedy to eye blindness. Cambridge University professionals use Ink-Jet printing technology to look at the variety of cells using artificial tissue microscope to produce it.
According to the report published in science magazines, the researchers use 3D printer to print two adult rat's retinal, and was successful.

So, is it an end to eye blindness..?? 

Saturday 21 December 2013

Datuk Seri Liow Tiong Lai won MCA presidency post..

Datuk Seri Liow Tiong Lai is the party's new president after a tight three-man race that saw him winning with a narrow 186-majority. Liow obtained 1,186 votes, beating his closest contender, vice-president Gan Ping Sieu, who got 1,000 votes.The third candidate, former president Datuk Seri Ong Tee Keat only managed 160 votes.

Liow's running mate Datuk Dr. Wee Ka Siong clinched the deputy presidency with 1,408 votes, beating MCA Selangor chief Datuk Donald Lim Siang Chai who got 927 votes.

 The 2,352 delegates who cast their votes today also elected four new vice-presidents: Datuk Lee Chee Leong, Datuk Dr Hou Kok Chung, Datin Paduka Chew Mei Fun and Datuk Chua Tee Yong, the son of Dr Chua.

As for the 25 central committee (CC) posts, 11 leaders aligned with Chua made it through, while 10 are from Liow's camp. The remaining four might be from either Chua’s or Liow’s camps, although their names were not listed in the peace deal.The peace deal was hatched between Chua and Liow a few weeks ago to ensure a smooth leadership transition after the 64-year-old party was rocked by bickering between the two leaders a few months ago.
Liow, who held the deputy presidency prior to the party polls, also said the results vindicated him of previous criticism that he was weak and lacked the gumption to take the party forward. “I have been elected by the delegates. Whatever the criticism, the delegates have made their choice,” he said.“I ask that all (members) come back to work together to strengthen MCA. We do not choose factions. The delegates gave us a clear signal that they want unity... the time has come for us to move towards party unity,” he added.

Turnout for the election was high today, with a total of 2,352 out of 2,384 or 98.66% of delegates voting.